I haven't studied music and my taste in music is at best.... questionable. But stay with me and hear me out. One doesn't need to be a musician to appreciate music, of the faculty of music, or the students putting their time and effort into learning music. It just wasn't for me, but it is for so many other people that I decided to share my experience.
I was a student at a Turkish university for three years. I enjoyed my stay there a lot, specially the lunch breaks. There was always something going on during the lunch breaks. A book reading activity, or a music concert, or an art exhibition or yoga class (not that I ever attended the yoga one, I enjoyed the rest though).
In my first semester, I met an amazing girl named Muhaddisa, who introduced me to this amazing Turkish Researcher Reyhan Ergün, who started her PhD on brain research after being diagnosed with Tumors but I'll tell you more about her later. The point is, she is amazing and she was the one who took me to my first ever Bilkent Library Art Gallery visits during our lunch breaks.
Bilkent usually arranges an activity in Main Campus Library Art Gallery during lunch breaks on Friday's and on most Friday's it's a mini concert by the students of Music Faculty. I attended so many after that first visit with Reyhan and here is a short compilation of clips to give you an idea.
The images in post are from Bilkent Music Department and Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (BSO). The campus has excellent facilities and students get the chances o perform in front of a diverse crowd at numerous events organized by the university. As far as confidence goes, I've always seen them very confident and proud of their work. You can find more about Faculty of Music at Bilkent University at the university website.
I was a student at a Turkish university for three years. I enjoyed my stay there a lot, specially the lunch breaks. There was always something going on during the lunch breaks. A book reading activity, or a music concert, or an art exhibition or yoga class (not that I ever attended the yoga one, I enjoyed the rest though).
In my first semester, I met an amazing girl named Muhaddisa, who introduced me to this amazing Turkish Researcher Reyhan Ergün, who started her PhD on brain research after being diagnosed with Tumors but I'll tell you more about her later. The point is, she is amazing and she was the one who took me to my first ever Bilkent Library Art Gallery visits during our lunch breaks.
Bilkent usually arranges an activity in Main Campus Library Art Gallery during lunch breaks on Friday's and on most Friday's it's a mini concert by the students of Music Faculty. I attended so many after that first visit with Reyhan and here is a short compilation of clips to give you an idea.
Watch the video on YouTube rather than here to get a better aspect ratio. Sorry I'm still trying to get a couple of things fixed so it's a work in progress. Don't let it stop you from subscribing because I'm definitely gonna post some real exciting stuff (no promises though, I'm lazy).
The images in post are from Bilkent Music Department and Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (BSO). The campus has excellent facilities and students get the chances o perform in front of a diverse crowd at numerous events organized by the university. As far as confidence goes, I've always seen them very confident and proud of their work. You can find more about Faculty of Music at Bilkent University at the university website.
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